How to connect
To join us you are required to read and accept our Articles of association and our Technical regulations. After that, you can contact our membership and development team that will take care of your request.

What We Do
Namex mission is to provide a neutral infrastructure to interconnect national and international players in order to evolve and enhance the whole Italian Internet infrastructure.

Why choose us
Connecting to an exchange point such as Namex allows network operators to take advantage of mutual interconnection services ranging from IP traffic exchange to physical cross-connects.
School of Advanced Networking

Namex Marketplace

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our new members
Welcome to Disney+
Welcome to Dimensione
Welcome to Enel Energia
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Why choose us
Become a member
Connecting to an exchange point such as Namex allows network operators to take advantage of mutual interconnection services ranging from IP traffic exchange to physical cross-connects.
Connect NowNamex supports
